Learning Center! Teacher Awarded “Teacher of the Year” by Local VFW
The Learning Center Charter School teacher, Judy Coleman, was awarded Local & Regional VFW Teacher of the Year from VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars) Murphy Post 10222. VFW Commander, Larry Reid presented the award at a ceremony at the school on January 14th. Judy Coleman teaches fifth through seventh grade social studies and is also the kindergarten through fourth grade chorus teacher.
Coleman, who also acts as music coach for the school’s annual spring play, directs the Veterans Day program and serves as both coordinator and a coach for the Odyssey of the Mind team and humbly accepted the award. “I am very honored, and humbled, to receive this award. I am proud to represent The Learning Center! as well as my fellow colleagues. We all pour our heart and soul into working with our students and it’s nice to be recognized for doing something you love to do.”
Additionally, teacher Shirley Kephart was given the Assistant Teacher Recognition Award and the school was presented with an award for Excellence in Promoting Americanism and Patriotic Principles.
Judy Coleman will travel to Canton, North Carolina on January 17th to receive the District Teacher of the Year award and her name will then be submitted to the state level.