The Learning Center Charter SchoolMay 161 minKindergarten - Butterfly ReleaseKindergarten students recently released butterflies that they observed and studied from the pupa to the butterfly stage. Ms. Louise...
The Learning Center Charter SchoolApr 201 min4th Grade School Maker Faire Class ProjectFourth grade students created decorated trivets to show at School Maker Faire. They could draw something for Read Across America, use a...
The Learning Center Charter SchoolApr 151 min7th Grade Combines Math & ArtStudents in 7th grade recently used scale factor (from math class) to enlarge their favorite cartoon images. They loved mixing art with...
The Learning Center Charter SchoolMar 231 minScenes from School Maker Faire 2022The Learning Center Charter School celebrated making of all kinds at our 7th annual School Maker Faire on Thursday, March 10 from 3:30 –...
The Learning Center Charter SchoolFeb 281 minKindergarten Celebrates Groundhog DayCelebrating Groundhog's Day with hats and snacks that they made themselves, Kindergarten had a blast. Punxsutawney Phil said six more...
The Learning Center Charter SchoolFeb 251 minREMINDER - Calling All Makers from School Maker Faire March 10thThis is a reminder that our 7th Annual School Maker Faire is set for March 10th from 3:30-6:30. If you haven't signed up to be a Maker...
The Learning Center Charter SchoolFeb 142 minArt Important Part of CurriculumDuring a typical school day at the Learning Center charter school, students can be found taking photos, sculpting paper mache, singing a...
The Learning Center Charter SchoolFeb 91 minCalling All Makers for Our 7th Annual SCHOOL MAKER FAIRE March 10The Learning Center Charter School is celebrating making of all kinds at our 7th annual School Maker Faire on Thursday, March 10 from...
The Learning Center Charter SchoolFeb 41 min5th & 6th Graders Study Australian Aborigines Fifth and sixth graders recently learned about the Australian Aborigines by watching interviews of Aborigines and reading about them. As...
The Learning Center Charter SchoolJan 101 min6th Grade Math - Ornaments6th graders made ornaments as part of their math during the month of December. This aligned with their geometry studies.
The Learning Center Charter SchoolJan 52 minK-3rd Grade Celebrate Native American Heritage MonthTeamwork and collaboration were on full display at The Learning Center Charter School as students in kindergarten through third grade...
The Learning Center Charter SchoolDec 17, 20211 min4th Grade Energy SuperheroesFourth grade students recently learned about types of energy they created an energy superhero of their choice!
The Learning Center Charter SchoolNov 24, 20211 minKindergarten MakersEach year for Halloween, we host a Makers Mash event where students can enter a number of different categories with things they have...
The Learning Center Charter SchoolNov 5, 20211 minKindergarten Celebrates Fall With Leaf Collecting & ArtKindergarten students celebrated Fall by collecting a wide variety of leaves in The Outdoor Learning Center and then bringing them back...
The Learning Center Charter SchoolOct 28, 20211 minSpanish BingoRecently, Spanish students combined art and vocabulary to make Loteria (bingo) boards.
The Learning Center Charter SchoolOct 26, 20211 min4th Grade Science - Coral ReefsFourth graders made pop-up books during their study of coral reefs in science class.
The Learning Center Charter SchoolOct 20, 20211 minTalk Like a Pirate DayEach year Ms. Carrie loves to celebrate National Talk Like a Pirate Day with her fourth grade students. This year was no exception and...
The Learning Center Charter SchoolSep 22, 20211 min4th & 5th Graders - What is Science?Fourth and fifth graders are seen making "Doodle Notes" as a means of understanding exactly what science is and is not. Doodle Notes are...
The Learning Center Charter SchoolSep 8, 20211 minKindergarten ArtEven though it feels like the first day of school was ages ago already, these Kindergarteners enjoyed it! They especially loved art...