The Learning Center Charter SchoolFeb 10, 20201 minHigh Tech ElectivesEvery semester, we present a different choice of electives to our 5th-8th grade students. Offerings can vary wildly, but our focus in...
The Learning Center Charter SchoolFeb 7, 20201 minStudents Use Technology DailyStudents at The Learning Center Charter School are no stranger to the use of state-of-the-art technology as part of their every day...
The Learning Center Charter SchoolApr 27, 20181 minDome Theater RecapThe Dome Theater visited our campus on March 6, 2018. The Dome Theater is much more than a traveling planetarium. Developed by Rice...
The Learning Center Charter SchoolApr 25, 20181 min3rd Annual SCHOOL MAKER FAIRE RevisitedThe Learning Center Charter School celebrated making of all kinds at our 3rd annual School Maker Faire on Thursday, March 15 from 3:30 –...
The Learning Center Charter SchoolJan 26, 20181 minHour of Code at The Learning CenterStudents at The Learning Center Charter School participated in the Hour of Code in early December. The Hour of Code is an international...
The Learning Center Charter SchoolSep 27, 20171 min2nd Grade STEM BinsSecond graders were recently introduced to STEM Bins, a hands-on form of engineering for elementary students. STEM Bins contain a large...
The Learning Center Charter SchoolSep 8, 20171 minSolarFest Celebrated Total Eclipse of the Sun on August 21, 2017As educators, we know that learning by doing is the best teacher. The total solar eclipse that happened on August 21, 2017 gave us the...
The Learning Center Charter SchoolSep 1, 20171 minRetro Gaming Elective Needs Repurposed ComputersIf you were a kid growing up in the 1980s, you might remember playing video games like Asteroids, Pac-Man, Pong and Space Invaders. Kids...
The Learning Center Charter SchoolAug 7, 20172 minAs Seen in the Cherokee Scout: Tuition-free Public Charter School Offers Rich Program Across All DiMurphy – The Learning Center, a tuition-free public charter school, continues to break ground with high-quality offerings in 21st century...
The Learning Center Charter SchoolJul 24, 20171 minSolarFest August 20-21, 2017 at The Learning Center! Charter SchoolWhy Celebrate the Eclipse? As educators, we know that learning by doing is the best teacher. This incredible, rare event gives us the...
The Learning Center Charter SchoolJun 22, 20171 minEngineering Camp & Mini Maker Expo Coming Soon!The Learning Center! in Murphy, NC is one of nine stops across the U.S. for Engineering Camp, for rising sixth graders to twelfth...
The Learning Center Charter SchoolMay 25, 20171 minHave Bored Teenagers at Home This Summer?The Learning Center! Charter School has discovered the secret weapon for teen inventors that’s catching on across the country. Four years...
The Learning Center Charter SchoolJan 26, 20171 min5th Grade Visits McGhee Tyson AirportBack in November, students in fifth grade traveled to Chattanooga to visit McGhee Tyson Airport. Prior to their trip, the class used...
The Learning Center Charter SchoolJan 19, 20172 minCalling all Thinkers, Tinkerers, Inventors and MakersThomas A. Edison, inventor of the light bulb, once said, “To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk.” If you like to...
The Learning Center Charter SchoolJan 11, 20171 minSchool Maker Faire Set for March 9, 2017To celebrate Making of all kinds, and become closer with our community of Makers, we are hosting our 2nd Annual School Maker Faire and we...
The Learning Center Charter SchoolDec 8, 20161 minHour of Code at TLCAccording to The Hour of Code website, The Hour of Code started as a one-hour introduction to computer science, designed to demystify...
The Learning Center Charter SchoolNov 18, 20161 min3rd Grade 21st Century Approach to Johnny AppleseedStudents in third grade took their studies of Johnny Appleseed to a new level when they opted to create Prezi presentations. Prezi is...
The Learning Center Charter SchoolSep 5, 20161 minThanks for Making the Annual Parent Fair a SuccessThe annual Parent Fair was held August 9, 2016 from 1:30-6:00 pm and served as way to inform and to provide parents of enrolled students...
The Learning Center Charter SchoolAug 27, 20162 minThe Learning Center! Offers Rich Program Across All DistrictsThe Learning Center! Charter School continues to break ground with innovations that present parents and their students with high-quality...